Sunday, September 13, 2020



It looks like I will be retiring sooner than later.

Along with a lot of other folks we lost our home and its contents on September 8,2020 when a wall of fire swept through Southern Oregon from Ashland to Medford. 

We are therefore taking the opportunity  to move back East to be near our adult children.  We won’t have much to move! 

I will miss the practice of law but it’s time to move on. Thanks for being a client.

James A Wickre


  1. Hi James, Raymond McDonald here. You did our trust and we tried to call you to ask a few questions. Sorry to hear about your home. New opportunities! Congrats on the retirement. How can I get information on questions regarding our trust?

  2. I was just checking to see if you were still working or have retired. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your home but it's a good thing to be closer to your family. Ruth coen
